May Bukas Pa

I went home early today because *I am bored blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com* and because I don't want to miss today's *last* episode of "May Bukas Pa".

I played monopoly for a while *and won again blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com* and wrote down some code. And then I went to sleep.blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com



I've got a pretty funny dream! :D



I woke up, looked at my phone and blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com "WATDA!?!?! IT'S ALREADY QUARTER TO 9!!!"

I hurriedly turned on the TV at the room *and I don't understand why it won't turn on* so I hurriedly ran downstairs!

I've only watched like, 1/4 of the show.blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com

And I just missed the good part - where all the guests were...... guests again! XD

Anyways, still so thankful that I was still able to watch it.


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