McDonald Phils Commercial 2011 "BFGF"

I've heard about this new commercial sa McDo and yes.. all of them says it's CUTE daw.

A friend posted this one on facebook so I got teh chance to see teh said commercial.

IMO, I really dun think it's THAT cute that everyone has to go GAGA over it.

Personally, I prefer the "KAREN PO" commercial, the "ANG HULING EL BIMBO" and some other which are way better and "SENSEFUL" than this.

I met with a friend and just like teh rest, she finds the commercial CUTE.

Am I teh only person who thinks this is not really THAT CUTE?


I browsed the news feed and seen there are more friends posting this video.

They all were like "Ang kyut!!!"

What surprised me was that there was actually someone who posted this comment along with teh video.

"I find the MAKERS of this commercial STUPID!!!!"


A friend asked and he explained..

its because... If you see the effects of it sa isa ka 7 year old kid.. or even 5 year old kid... THIS COMMERCIAL will cause a very big CHANGE on their perception about things... Liman ka anang lets say grade 1 nang mga naa sa commercial... AND THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT HAVING A GF..?

The media is using lame things to attract the viewers... CUTE SILA... pero LETS look at how this commercial would change the psychological state of the child whos viewing it....

Okay raman ni xa sa atoa... We are in the right age to see this.. but for those whos still ignorant about things... this commercial is not really helpful...

lets not be colonized by western culture...

as our great hero said... "We must never seek happiness through other nations culture... Let make it through cultivating OURS"

- Anthony Encarnacion

Which, IMO, is very well said.

Maybe this was also the exact same reason why I never really liked that commercial at all, despite teh fact that I do love McDo.

Well, there you go people.

Hope this would put some SENSE. [:

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