I might as well try this since I’m bored anyways. XD
1. Grab Your Phone. Hmn.. I chose the C200.. XD
2. What is the 3rd picture in your phone? This one >> http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/226614_1859425019636_3819268_n.jpg
3. What’s your ringtone? For default contacts: Na na na by MCR
For some “special” contacts: Move Like Jagger by Maroon 5
4. Who’s the 1st person that comes up under N? (no matches)
5. Who’s the last person you called? Ang naka`register kai si secret hahaha.. but last gitawagan kai si Tina.
6. Who was your last missed call from? Kiray ang naka`register ngari.
7. Who’s the 1st person who comes up under C? (no matches) hahaha
8. Who’s your speed dial number 2? I don’t use that.
9. What does 3rd text in your inbox say? Taisa ha. Naka`conversation man gud ni. nyahaha.
“8 to 9 pa dw mo out”
10. Who was your last received call from? Herard.
11. What does your 2nd sentbox text say? “c honey?”
12. How many messages are currently in your inbox?
131 messages
13. What is the wallpaper? This >> http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/388890_2374222409249_1661246513_2283294_144787526_n.jpg
14. Who’s speed dial number 1? wa man ko ana. XD
15. Who is the 15th message in your inbox from? Shane.
16. Who’s the 1st person who comes up under B? (no matches) wahahahahah
17. How many bars of signal do you currently have? 3 out of 4
18. What network are you on? SUN
19. Name every person you have a message from in your inbox. Tina, Mah, Jason, Brendo, myself XD, Jepai, Madear, Shane, Mokie, Andik
20. What does your 6th text message in your inbox say? Joke mani. Kapoie type.
21. Who is the first person in your contacts? Aa Madear
22. Who is the last name in your contacts? Yanie
23. What does the last text in your inbox say?
“Ok ingat lang”
24. What is your screensaver? wla ko ana. XD
25. What is your balance? secret. XD
26. Who’s the last person under H? (no matches)
27. What is your bluetooth name? ayisharu
28. How many numbers are in your phone? idk.
29. Could you live without it? could but would not. XD